ASPION G-Log Shock Sensor
The robust, durable and cost-effective shock sensor ASPION G-Log enables the complete recording of vibrations, shocks and temperature data during the transport of goods and merchandise. The small, compact housing design complies with IP 50 standards and the shock recorder can be adapted to all individual requirements.
ASPION G-Log 2 records shock and climatic conditions
The new transport data logger ASPION G-Log 2 measures and records shock events – traceable in all three axes and for the highest shocks up to millisecond level. At the same time, it records climate data such as temperature and relative humidity based on intervals or events. This makes the transport loads and environmental conditions for your goods transparent, traceable and assignable at all times – especially in the event of damage. Reduce costs for transport damage and increase your process quality!
Monilog MicroShockDetector
High-sensitivity devices, e.g. large, superconducting magnets in medical technology, need a safe and demonstrable protection during transport or during storage.
The compact MONILOG® MicroShockDetector provides the best services!
It is smaller than a smartphone and weighs only 180 grams. The measuring device
reliably stores all data on shocks of every dimension, assigns them to acceleration classes, provides curve progressions and reports alarms as soon as limit values are exceeded. In addition, the temperature is monitored.
Monilog MicroShockDetector PLUS
The Monilog MicroShockDetector PLUS is identical to the basic version above, with one difference:
Besides the additional temperature it also monitors humidity, air pressure and light.
Monilog EnDaL smart
The MONILOG® EnDaL smart is a small, easy-to-use and versatile data logger.
It monitors sensitive goods on long transport routes and in critical environments, such as transformers, generators, switchgear or fragile optics, medical or automotive components.
The sensor technology of the data logger measures impact events, temperature, air humidity, air pressure and inclination.
The measurement data can be exported to external programs (e.g., Microsoft Excel), displayed and evaluated clearly. All measured values can also be displayed as an immediate overview at a glance.
Via an integrated GPS receiver, the respective location of the transport goods can be located both at critical events as well as at time intervals.
Monilog ShockDisplaycurve 2
The extremely robust measuring instrument – programmable via function keys and menu or software – stores the 500 largest shock events as well as inclination values.
The measurement results are displayed on the display with various parameters as well as an alarm function. The shock and inclination events can also be stored as
a signal progression for a later precise evaluation.
The electronics of the data logger is specially optimized for long operating times and works with commercially available batteries. The real-time measurement makes it possible to record the measured values in a real response time of “zero” milliseconds when events occur.
Monilog ShockDisplaycurve 2 plus
The MONILOG® ShockDisplay curve 2 plus is an easy-to-use and versatile data logger.
It monitors sensitive goods on long transport routes and in critical environments, such as transformers, generators, switchgear or fragile optics, medical or automotive components.
The sensor technology of the data logger measures impact events, temperature, air humidity, air pressure and inclination — important for transport under protective gas or for temperature-sensitive and moisture-sensitive transport goods.
The measurement data can be read out and evaluated conveniently with a smartphone via NFC or via the USB port.
Monilog Sensor network
The MONILOG® Sensor network consists of the MONILOG® data link sensor base station and up to 8 MONILOG® sensor modules of radio data loggers.
The compact, energy-efficient and highsensitivity sensor modules capture data relevant to transport, such as shocks, acceleration, temperature, humidity, air pressure, inclination and light.
All data are collected via a Bluetooth lowenergy radio interface in the base station. It transmits them at adjustable intervals via a mobile network as an e-mail to the
desired recipient or directly to the MONILOG® web portal.
If a configured limit value for measured data is exceeded, a message is sent to the base station. It records the current GPS position and immediately sends an alarm mail. Critical events during a transport can thus be tracked in real time and the user can react to possible risks for his sensitive freight.
Monilog data link TM
The tracking module MONILOG® data link TM is an electronic goods
companion for transports of all kinds around the world.
By means of a permanent monitoring of the shipped goods, transport loads can be determined and possible damage can be reduced. The data link TM transmission module is an autonomous stand-alone solution for shipment tracking, with the functions of tracking and tracing.
The user will be informed by e-mail about the current position of his goods and the progress of the transport route already covered.
The device can also be combined with one or two transport data loggers of the MONILOG® series, e.g. the ShockDisplay curve or EnDaL curve. The system then reads the values of the connected logger in user-configurable intervals and, in addition to the route information, also transmits the complete measurement data records.
Monilog Offshore Alarm System
Cold weather, storms, high waves, incoming and outgoing vessels are a great burden on the platforms and the electrical equipment of offshore wind parks.
The transformer substation as the centrepiece of the wind park determines the efficiency and reliability of the entire system.
To prevent damage, shocks, vibrations, humidity and temperature must be monitored continuously. The MONILOG® Offshore Alarm System is specifically designed for these tasks.
For this purpose, the extremely robust data logger ShockDisplay curve plus is used. Its sensitive sensors monitor humidity and temperature and register real-time mechanical effects with time, duration, direction and strength with minimum and maximum values. The minimum shock duration is configurable and the registration and alarm thresholds can be set separately for each of the 3 spatial axes. The
number of shocks and other extraordinary loads can be read directly on the data logger.
Monilog Combi-sensors
The MONILOG® combi-sensor enables temperature, humidity and pressure measurement in one sensor.
The data loggers EnDaL curve and ShockDisplay curve plus can be supplemented as additional external sensors. They are either plugged directly into the device or mounted externally.
With integrated measurement electronics, the combi-sensors can transmit the recorded values up to 40 m, in the variant with a pressure sensor up to 10 m, to the data loggers.
Four standard designs are available for various uses, e.g. for the transport of large transformers: Here, compressed air or nitrogen prevents particles or moisture from entering the internal active part of the transformer.
ASPION L-Track Real Time monitoring
The new IoT transport data logger ASPION L-Track monitors your transports worldwide – in real time with 360 degree live tracking. The connected Internet of Things (IoT) platform provides round-the-clock access to the current location and condition of goods and immediately informs in case of unusual incidents. This makes the current transport loads and environmental conditions for high-value transport goods transparent, traceable and assignable at all times – especially in the event of damage.