ASPION G-Log Shock Sensor
The robust, durable and cost-effective shock sensor ASPION G-Log enables the complete recording of vibrations, shocks and temperature data during the transport of goods and merchandise. The small, compact housing design complies with IP 50 standards and the shock recorder can be adapted to all individual requirements.
ASPION G-Log 2 records shock and climatic conditions
The new transport data logger ASPION G-Log 2 measures and records shock events – traceable in all three axes and for the highest shocks up to millisecond level. At the same time, it records climate data such as temperature and relative humidity based on intervals or events. This makes the transport loads and environmental conditions for your goods transparent, traceable and assignable at all times – especially in the event of damage. Reduce costs for transport damage and increase your process quality!
ASPION L-Track Real Time monitoring
The new IoT transport data logger ASPION L-Track monitors your transports worldwide – in real time with 360 degree live tracking. The connected Internet of Things (IoT) platform provides round-the-clock access to the current location and condition of goods and immediately informs in case of unusual incidents. This makes the current transport loads and environmental conditions for high-value transport goods transparent, traceable and assignable at all times – especially in the event of damage.